LONDON - Emerge first time [in] Mexico, flu swine or more [of] us know as pig flu have disseminated to whole world. Even Indonesia even also have non peaceful place again from spreading of virus of H1N1 that
[In] East Java there [are] some case. newest [is] two family, everyone of Worse luck and Surabaya, indication of flu pig. Nowadays they have to experience quarantine [in] Unlucky RSUD Syaiful Anwar and RS Dr Soetomo Surabaya
According to team chief penanggulangan of pandemic flu of Body Protection Of Health Of English, Dr Nick Phin, important basically [is] impenetrability of body. And that impenetrability can be got from eating healthy food so that body have best opportunity to fight against virus
“ One who less gizi more rentan to infection. And to as is big [of] people, pattern eat well-balanced and healthy represent important factor to take care of system impenetrability of body,” clear [of] Doctor of Phin
Of course we remain to have to follow preventive fomentation [is] including by shutting mouth with tissue when sneezing. Later;Then in short order including [him/ it] into dustbin. Cleaning hand often possible very suggested to prevent contagiously [of] virus of H1N1
But, if that virus have attacked, food which we consume that's optimal functioning [of] strength of membrane in ear, nose, and gullet to form fortress in body fight against organism from outside
food have high Protein [to] like food and pea of berbahan soy like tempe, soybean cake, or soy milk
that Food types [of] supply of gizi [is] which [is] very required for the forming of cell of epithelial in membrane [at] ear, nose, and red lane. Three portion one of [the] the food-stuff in one day can add strength