Sunday, July 19, 2009


[LIMITED PARTNER, CV]. Global Ganesha [of] Science [is] company which active in commerce of appliances physic of technical equipment and education of pedidikan. Consumer of product marketed by [LIMITED PARTNER, CV]. Global Ganesha [of] Science cover all education ladder, that is appliance – physic appliance for your YOU and Public. Product marketed by Global CV.GANESHA [of] Science cover : Appliance physic of Mathematics, appliance physic of Indonesian & English, Appliance physic of IPBA, Appliance Physic Of IPA, Laboraturium Ianguage, Laboraturium IPA and of Laboraturium Computer.

Prevent Flu Pig, Let Eat Tempe

LONDON - Emerge first time [in] Mexico, flu swine or more [of] us know as pig flu have disseminated to whole world. Even Indonesia even also have non peaceful place again from spreading of virus of H1N1 that
[In] East Java there [are] some case. newest [is] two family, everyone of Worse luck and Surabaya, indication of flu pig. Nowadays they have to experience quarantine [in] Unlucky RSUD Syaiful Anwar and RS Dr Soetomo Surabaya
According to team chief penanggulangan of pandemic flu of Body Protection Of Health Of English, Dr Nick Phin, important basically [is] impenetrability of body. And that impenetrability can be got from eating healthy food so that body have best opportunity to fight against virus
“ One who less gizi more rentan to infection. And to as is big [of] people, pattern eat well-balanced and healthy represent important factor to take care of system impenetrability of body,” clear [of] Doctor of Phin
Of course we remain to have to follow preventive fomentation [is] including by shutting mouth with tissue when sneezing. Later;Then in short order including [him/ it] into dustbin. Cleaning hand often possible very suggested to prevent contagiously [of] virus of H1N1
But, if that virus have attacked, food which we consume that's optimal functioning [of] strength of membrane in ear, nose, and gullet to form fortress in body fight against organism from outside
food have high Protein [to] like food and pea of berbahan soy like tempe, soybean cake, or soy milk
that Food types [of] supply of gizi [is] which [is] very required for the forming of cell of epithelial in membrane [at] ear, nose, and red lane. Three portion one of [the] the food-stuff in one day can add strength

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Sri Ranganathaswamy, india

kuil emas, Amritsar, Punjab, india

Candi Borobudur Magelang Indonesia

kuil Chion ijepang

kuil surga di Beijing,China

Shwedagon Paya(or Pagoda),Myanmar

candi Prambanan, Indonesia

Rongn Khun Chiang Mai,Thailand

Tiger Nest Monastery, Bhutan